Challenging your limits

I have had a lifetime pushing myself and placing myself uncomfortable positions. Sport, over and above anything else in my life, has made me the person I am.

I like being uncomfortable, feeling scared, the doubt creeping in…. because something inside you surfaces and overrides all of those feelings. When you are scared is when the magic happens.

Don’t settle for a mediocre version of yourself. Do things that make you dig in. I ordinarily sign up for challenges that I have not trained properly for and deep down inside I relish the time when I feel emotionally and physically broken. Sounds weird I know! In that moment there is a space, and into that space moves an element of your deeper self that reminds you of what you are truly capable of. It is never you against ‘them’, it’s you being the strongest and most brave you can be. When you do that you grow beyond words.

When I was running internationally and sponsored by Puma it became more about having to win, or having to place in major races. I did not really enjoy that aspect, and looking back retrospectively, I would have handled a few things differently. This is part of getting older and learning constantly.

I am also not one of these athletes who because I can’t run 16 minutes for 5km again refuses to do it. I am thankful I can still run and do other stuff. I have my old lady times now and I’m happy with those. Happy to just feel alive when I’m pushing myself. I like to mix things up and keep it fresh! I don’t want to get bored and I want to keep my body and spirit guessing.

So, keeping feeling alive peeps!

Love you all xx


When your mojo wains…


No Quick Fixes