When your mojo wains…

Losing your ‘mojo’ happens… to everyone. It’s what you do when that happens that determines how your journey goes.

Any athlete will tell you that losing your ‘mojo’ will happen. Sometimes life throws a curve ball at you in a way you didn’t expect. You can lose the passion or the will to commit.

This is how I knuckle down mentally when that happens. I maintain the ultimate objective in my minds eye and understand the journey uphill will have some bumps and some plateaus. I am not going to reach my destination overnight, but I am certainly not going to leave myself stranded up a metaphorical mountain. I will finish the job that I set out to do. After all, the effort I put in is going to benefit me and me alone.

This weekend is a prime example. I have been training for the All England Full Powerlifting Championships, but I had an accident on my bike on Thursday night and could not compete due to an injury to my eye. I am not going to let it all collapse around me though. I am using the great block of training I have put in to work towards the World Championships in November. I could let it all crash around me, but a lifetime in sports has enabled me to ride these storms, not give in, and understand that we have highs and we have lows. Ride the low times with confidence that all will be well in the end.

You get out what you put in at the end of the day.

Keep on keeping on!! Big love.



Challenging your limits