No Quick Fixes
My first ever blog!
Firstly, I am going to say, there are NO quick fixes to our long term health and well being. I am referring to physical and mental well being here too.
I had the realisation recently that I poured all of my self into running very young, rather than let any negative urges I had lead to self destruction. I am pretty sure we have all had mental health issues that could affect us in a negative way at some point in our lives. I think I had a very strong self preservation button because I realised young that I NEEDED sport in my life and I was good at running!
It is NOT about winning for me. It’s about getting every little drop out of myself that I can. In a competitive environment you get pushed and pulled along, and that’s when you can really make the magic happen!!
I have seen a few people come and go at boot camp who really aren’t ready to make the commitment to long term life changes.
So here is my analogy -
I view my body as a car that I got from brand new off the car forecourt when I was born. This car needs to last me a long time, so, I will take care of it. I will mostly put the best fuel in, but sometimes it’s ok to use fuel that is not of the highest grade. I’ll get it serviced and keep check on important things. Sometimes I’ll put the pedal to the metal and other times I’ll go nice and steady to get maximum mileage from the fuel. I intend to look after this vessel but when it’s done 200,000 miles I know I have got absolutely everything out of it!!
So, in short, for me looking after myself is not an effort, it’s an absolute daily requirement. I am not superhuman, in all honesty I am a middle aged fit woman and that’s it. If I can do it anyone can. Each and every person can find their own greatness - I know that sounds cheesy but it is true. I want to know I have seized every opportunity to feel alive.
I will blog on a regular basis and just talk about everyday but relevant things. What I eat, when I eat? What I do when I’ve been a bit naughty on the food front. How I listen to my body especially as I am now in the change of life. Simple daily life tips that have helped me along the way. Let’s face it, I have had 53 years of experience to draw from! :-)
Until next time - keep on keeping on xx