The art of massage has been practised for centuries since the earliest civilisations, and has long been recognised for its healing benefits. These are numerous benefits to massage including aiding relaxation, boosting metabolism, removing toxins, improving circulation, getting rid of tension, assisting posture, aiding restful sleep, boosting your mood and helping improve mental health.
I qualified in therapeutic massage in 2004 and added sports massage onto that a few years later. I come to your house so you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home!
The sports massage benefits those who are more active or competitive athletes, or simply just want a deeper massage. This type of massage helps to increase range of movement, improves flexibility, decreases muscle tension, decreases nerve excitability (generally relaxes the nerves), decreases muscle spasms and aids more restful sleep.
An hours massage costs £40 -£50 depending on where you live.