Why lifting heavy shit is essential for women…. especially as we age
There are a few common misconception about being female and lifting weights……
“I don’t want to get big or bulky”
“I don’t want to hurt my back”
“I feel insecure about going to a gym and using free weights”
Myths dispelled
I have been specifically powerlifting for over 3 years now, but have always done strength work throughout my sporting career. I understood the need to prevent injury and to make my body as robust as it needed to be to able endure the training when I was running 80-100 miles per week. I can honestly say that lifting heavy, with good form, has definitely not bulked me out. In fact, I am smaller now than I have been in years and years at age 54. I feel strong and fit, and I can still compete competitively in running and duathlon races too.
When you lift with good form you do not hurt your back. This is one of the reasons that I am so focused on drilling good form, for myself and for my boot campers and 1-2-1 clients, down to the smallest details. I have an excellent technically brilliant coach who is always teaching me - its important to keep on striving to learn. Lifting techniques take time to get right, but it is so worth it!
So these are the benefits for women lifting weights:-
It helps to build and maintain muscle mass, which in turn is essential for a healthy metabolism and preventing muscle loss as we age, specifically when we are post menopausal.
It helps bone density and therefore the prevention of osteoporosis.
It can improve overall fitness and quality of life and reduce the risk of injury.
The added bonus is boosting self esteem and body image. When you get complimented on your legs in the supermarket, that makes you feel good!!
To sumarise, since I started lifting properly I feel completely focused, driven, strong, in control and confident that I could go into any male dominated gym KNOWING that I know what I am doing, and I can lift heavy too!
I would urge any woman out there to explore lifting weights properly alongside their other sporting activities. The benefits have been scientifically proven so why wait!